All wines

At Vinotel you will find the widest selection of varietals from different regions.  We carefully select only the best of the artisan and mainstream wines.

Large Wineries: we feature Château Mukhrani offering an excellent selection of varietals out of Mukhran-Batoni Château built in 1865

Classics of Telavis Marani, lighter European style tastes from Imereti region by Khareba, and fine Askaneli wines and cognac

Specialty wines: we feature many notable specialty wineries including Viniveria with excellent wines and brut sparkling wines, Corporation Kindzmarauli with old vintages and also red and white wines made in Kvevri or in traditional European style by Chateau Zegaani. 

Wine Cellar

room 1
Exclusive wines

VINOTEL is proud to offer you exclusive wine collection: Satsnakheli Saperavi reserve 2010; Satsnakheli Saperavi reserve 2013; Satsnakheli Muskaturi Rkatsiteli 2016; 

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room 1
Organic, natural and bio wines

VINOTEL wine cellar offers a wide selection of natural and bio wines.

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